Since its inception in October of 2021, the effort by a group of young and energized people to plant a sustainable forest on school grounds and call it the “#Crowdforest“. In our pilot study, we tallied the number of species near roughly ten tree species on the school grounds. The majority of those are wood-bearing species. In the eyes of the students, these alien species are entirely worthless unless used medicinally. More than 40 types of plant species, primarily #native #medicinal plants, have been gathered and cultivated as part of our commitment to expanding #plant #diversity.
As part of our gathering efforts, we traveled to various government nurseries searching for local medicinal plant saplings. The students’ enthusiasm was over the roof. They are overjoyed to gather data and learn more about the Horticulture Centre near the Bangladesh Agriculture University in Mymensingh.
The students recognized many different species of young trees. They have read about these plant species in books but have never seen them in the wild. They have a deeper appreciation for #nature and a more introspective outlook on life due to their collection. Throughout their journey, they spoke with the Horticulture centre workers like agriculture officers, horticulturists, and employees to get the lowdown on properly planting the species. At the horticulture centre, they receive instruction on how to nurture the young plants. The trip took them around half a day. Thanks to the University of Montana, California State University, Chico for supporting.
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